
Astrodymium Ring System for Samyang - Rokinon 135mm F/2 Lens (Updated 3/30/22)

Astrodymium has come up with a ring solution for astrophotography using a Samyang 135 mm lens.  That’s the easy part.  What makes the system functional is that you can mount an EAF focuser on one side a ZWO ASIair Pro or Plus on the other (from this point on we’ll refer to it as the ASIair ProPlus), and a small guidescope on top.  This makes it the perfect package for astrophotography in the field, and especially for airline travel.  The unit can be purchased at : and costs between $65 to $80 depending on the accessories.

The ring system can be purchased with a mounting bracket for the EAF focuser on the bottom or the side. The system used in this article had the EAF on the side and was tested with both a Canon 60Da DSLR, and a ZWO 1600MC pro camera.



You’ll need the Astrodymium ring system, A DSLR camera and Samyang-Rokinon 135mm lens, a vixen mount, the EAF focuser, a guider, and an ASIAIR ProPlus.


Components before assembly                 Ring system in the box and assembled


Assembly of the ring system itself is straightforward, and the components fit together very well and tight.  When completed, attach a vixen mount to the bottom.  Open up the 
assembly and put the lens in with the rubber ring around the lens. When assembled correctly the thumb screws should be facing down and on the left when looking from the back.

The top is all set to add the guider. The EAF would be mounted on the right side when looking from the back.  There are two screw holes where the adapter is attached and they should be on the front ring on the right side.  If installed correctly the words EAF should be upside down.  The rubber ring will be snug and you may need to help it along the track with a flat screwdriver.


 Now let’s work on the left side.  There are some holes where you can add an additional mounting plate for an ASIair ProPlus. The mounting plate is flat and a small finderscope adapter bracket should be mounted directly to the plate so the ASIair ProPlus can be installed and removed easily.


Everything you need to mount the accessories is included with the Astrodymium ring system except for the mounting plate for the ASIAair Pro.  So that part is highly recommended.  We can also add the following:
Short cables to connect to the ASAair Pro.  Everything here is close so the shorter the cables from the cameras and the focuser the better the cord management.
WiFi Extender.  This isn’t needed in the field but is a big help when in the house.  Two extenders are needed.  One at the telescope and the other inside the house. This has been tested up to 40 feet away with good results.
The system was set up and tested with both a Canon 60Da and a ZWO ASIair 1600MC Pro.  However, there were some issues with automatic focus on the ASIair Proplus.  It was sporadic at best, but changing the steps from 30 to 50 in the EAF tab seem to solve the issue.  Focus with the hand control was never a problem and it moved smoothly.

Update:  ASI 533 MC Pro now is the camera being used with this setup.

Update: Images taken with this setup late February and early March 2022.

Orion Complex
Twenty 300 sec images stacked and processed with calibration frames.

Monkey Head and JellyFish Nebulas.
Twenty 600 sec images stacked and processed with calibration frames.

Updated Image 3/30/22

Rosette Nebula
Twenty 480 sec images.

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